

Set amidst the bustle and frenzy of New York City, On_Line is a 21st-century take on the classic romantic comedy. The film centers on John (Josh Hamilton, Urbania, “Serge” in Absolutely Fabulous) and Moe (Harold Perrineau, Oz, Woman on Top), two friends who operate Intercon-X, a live erotic website, and the array of hilariously mismatched relationships that arise in and around the site. Out gay actor John Fleck (Carnivale) stars as Al Fleming, a New Yorker who connects with a young gay college student (Eric Millegan) living in the closet in the Midwest. Meanwhile, Intercon-X creator John is mending a broken heart with a real-life date with a woman he has met through his own website.

In an era when webcams and Internet-dating sites are revolutionizing the social scene, On_Line director Jed Weintrob explores the paradigm of contemporary relationships in an increasingly high-tech world. On_Line utilizes state-of-the-art digitial technology, split screens, and streaming webcam video.

The DVD (which includes a wide array of bonus features) and VHS will be available February 17 from Wolfe Video (1-800-GET-WOLFE or —Troy Carrington

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