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Your Life’s Design for 2009

OutSmart astrologer Lilly Roddy shares hints for a more manageable new year.

By Lilly Roddy
JancoverIllustrations by David Eduardo Flores Perez
Photo of Lilly Roddy by John Conroy

The big change for this year is that Pluto, planet of transformation, regeneration, detoxification, and death and rebirth is entering the sign of Capricorn, where it will abide for the next 14 years. When Pluto changes signs, we always have big shifts in focus, economy, and awareness. Pluto will be most directly affecting the cardinal (action) signs of Aries, Libra, Cancer, and Capricorn. For those of you born in the earlier days of those signs, your life is in major flux right now.

Generally, Cancer/Capricorn has everything to do with the housing industry, and you are all aware of the shifts that are going on there. You can expect that this decline in the housing industry and difficulty with credit and loans will continue through the middle of 2010. Houston’s housing industry may not be so affected until 2010.

Lilly Roddy

The Federal Reserve (“born” December 23, 1913) is very affected by this movement of Pluto into Capricorn, and the financial and credit crunch on the national level will continue through the middle of 2010 as well. There are huge problems for the new administration, and I believe that the corruption uncovered may lead us into a psychological depression deeper than our economic depression.

Jupiter changes signs and enters Aquarius for a yearlong visit. This will help technology markets and will encourage an even greater world market than we already have.

There are four Mercury retrogrades, one more than usual. During Mercury retrograde, it is important to finish old projects, clean out closets and filing cabinets, and contact people from your past. The Mercury retrograde periods are January 6 through February 5, May 2 through June 5, September 1 through October 2, and December 22 through January 19.

Also this year, Venus, planet of love and money, goes retrograde from February 26 through April 26. Look for financial problems and relationship issues to come to the surface and create havoc.

Mars goes retrograde right at the end of this year, December 3 through March 22, 2010. This will influence our ability to start new projects and confront problems. It is a better time to look inward and consider our own actions.

And finally, we have two eclipse phases this year. The first one is January 26 in Aquarius and February 9 in Aquarius/Leo. This is a time when people are focused on their own needs and a good time for group associations with like-minded people. The final eclipse phase is July 22 in Capricorn and August 6 in Aquarius.

ARIES (March 21-April 19)
TAURUS (April 20-May 20)
GEMINI (May 21-June 21)
CANCER (June 22-July 22)
LEO (July 23-August 22)
VIRGO (August 23-September 22)
LIBRA (September 23-October 23)
SCORPIO (October 24-November 21)
SAGITTARIUS (November 22-December 21)
CAPRICORN (December 22-January 19)
AQUARIUS (January 20-February 18)
PISCES (February 19-March 20)


Aries (March 21–April 19)


As the year opens, Aries folk are beginning to consider changing their current career paths. Many of you will be looking at downsizing or mergers with other companies. Still others will be looking at retirement or starting a whole new career path. This will have the most impact for those of you born March 19 through 25. Others among you will feel the impact if you have other planets located in those same degrees of Aries. This is all brought about through the action of Pluto.

At the core of this energy are your fears about financial independence. You will literally go through your life and throw lots of things away, as an old part of you is dying. Many of you will feel as though you are not sure what direction you are heading. This can be a time of searching, rather than a time of decision-making. This is because your persona is going through a transformation, and you may not know who or what you will be until the process is over at the end of the year.

Neptune will be influencing your friends, groups, and networking sector in your horoscope this year. You will be looking for people of spiritual like-mindedness and generally eliminating the drama from your life that is generated by friends and acquaintances. Having a few friends to whom you really connect will be more important than having a lot of friends. This will be strongest for those born from April 12 through 16. And with Jupiter also entering this area of your horoscope, you will be drawn to many new people this year. For those of you involved in networking for business, this is an excellent year for you to improve your contacts or to get into some organization that helps to promote who you are. Associations with people who are from different countries or cultures will prove especially beneficial to you. You may have to watch that you don’t overload this area of your life and take on more than you can actually accomplish. Jupiter will have impact on all Rams, Ewes, and Kids.

Continuing to focus on your spiritual pursuits, you are certainly looking to step out of the box you were raised in. Many of you are having a hard time buying into your old belief system and may reject it altogether. Others of you will be examining some very different alternatives that you would have not even known about before. Uranus is most strongly influencing those of you born April 11 through 17, but if you have planets at these degrees, you will be influenced as well.

And finally, improving your health and work routines will have a strong impact on all Aries. You are taking a critical look at just how you structure your routines in all parts of your life. Your primary goal is to make things work more efficiently. You will be eliminating from your life all those who only add to the crazy-making. Expect your work environment to change to a more effective system. Some of you may even be changing office locations or looking for new places to work. You are expecting to be treated better by your company than you have in the past. And if you don’t get the respect you deserve, you will certainly be making some noise about it. The other major part of this is to pay better attention to all areas of your health. If you don’t, you may be spending more time at the doctor than you planned.

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Taurus (April 20–May 20)


Overall, this continues to be an easier time for most Tauruses. Pluto will be opening your mind and your heart to new experiences. This can be an excellent time to go back to school, travel, expand your horizons, and capitalize on your beliefs about money and wealth. Social encounters and marketing yourself or your business skills to new markets will be easier than ever. You may be reluctant at first to act on these opportunities, but the solid assurances that you continue to receive will ultimately convince you. Your mind is really looking to expand beyond your old boundaries and look into new areas that you have only been considering for the last couple of years.

With Jupiter making its way into your career sector, this only enhances your opportunities for career advancements. With this energy, there will be many of you considering starting your own businesses this year. This may also mean that many of you will be traveling more for your company. Don’t be surprised if they are considering relocating your company and you with it. Overall, you will be more successful in your company and can expect some sort of promotion or raise in pay.

Those of you born May 13 through 18, or have planets at those degrees, are on a spiritual pilgrimage. You are going through a time of disillusionment about what you thought life was about and was supposed to mean. You will not be clear about what you want or what is expected of you, and you are certainly not going to follow an old path. You are not going to know what you want, but only what you don’t want, and this will make many of the stable cows and bulls feel very unstable. If you can relax with this, you will do fine. If you fight it, you will only increase your anxiety.

There continue to be new people coming into your life who will open your mind to new ideas that will help many of you innovate in your career and potentially change directions and do what you really want to do. Uranus is helping with this and influencing those of you born May 12 through 18 and those of you with planets in these degrees. It may feel a bit uncomfortable with you having to ask others to help you, but that is part of what this planetary energy is trying to get you to open up and do.

And then there is Saturn helping to give form to your creative juices. Saturn is trying to make sure that your imaginative ideas make it to the physical world. You should be able to take any good idea, and with some planning, really make it work. If you have children, this will be a time when they are growing up and maturing right in front of your eyes. This is a shift from focusing so much of your personal energy on their development and safety to paying more attention to your own inner creative spirit or inner child. This very same energy can also give form to any new business idea that you may be considering.

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Gemini (May 21–June 21)


This year you are in for a massive overhaul in the relationship and intimacy sector of your life with the help of Pluto. This is especially strong for those of you born May 20 through 25, or who have planets at those degrees. This year you are digging up the secrets that you keep from others and many that you keep from yourself. This will have a direct influence on your relationships. You will want more from your partner and they will want more from you. This includes business and personal relationships. At the core of this could be problems associated with money or very different value systems. This may bring some relationships to an end because the differences can’t be resolved. You will certainly need to pay much more attention to your investments during this year. This part of your life is very unstable and you could lose some of your savings if you don’t.

Part of you will be wanting to get away from it all and not deal with the strong sense of responsibility that is dogging you. It could be that you need to take up a hobby or start a class to give those desires of freedom and inner searching some practical application. But you are supposed to be driven more from an inner perspective rather than expectation from people or things outside of you. That way you can ensure success with these energies. Otherwise, if you try to do the “same ole thing,” you will not be able to follow through or feel passionate about what you are doing. Taking some adult-education classes is a good way to stimulate your brain and induce some energy into this part of your life.

Travel can be especially significant this year. You are more open to new surroundings and ideas. Spas or retreats may be the best for this since there is an underlying purpose to why you are there.

Career choices are still in the stage of being revitalized, especially for those of you born June 12 though June 18 and for those of you with planets at those degrees. You certainly need something that really draws you in. You won’t be able to do the same routine that you have been doing in the past. If you can’t find something where you are currently employed, you may have to look elsewhere to find some satisfaction. The more active you are in this process, the more freedom you will feel. If you are waiting on others around you to make a decision, you will just feel more restricted.

And yes, this is a year to get your family life and home in order. This is both an internal and external process. You are supposed to be working on what makes you feel safe and secure in your life. The “home” analogy is about the inner self, and that is the part you are working on to make more secure. Gemini by nature doesn’t always feel good about commitment since you feel that choosing one thing limits you from doing another. So you have to be able to make commitments to ideas that enhance your freedom, not things that limit it. Any work or plan must have several outlets so that you don’t get bored or feel trapped. If you don’t take this process into your own hands, Saturn will be using the big guilt stick on you, bashing you about the head and shoulders. Create your own inner home and security so that you can make that happen on the outside as well.

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Cancer (June 22–July 22)

This year the moon kids are a busy bunch with Pluto, planet of death and rebirth, moving into the relationship sector for the next 14 years. This will have the most impact on those born June 21 through 25 or those of you with planets at those early degrees of Cancer. You can expect that all of your relationships will have to go through a massive cleanup. Some of them may not last and you may be sad about that, and others may leave and you will be happy. But you are going to be more open about what your needs are than you have been in many years. Internally, you are getting rid of old patterns that have unconsciously sabotaged your relationships in the past. Of course, at the very bottom of this is getting to know yourself better. .

Along with relationships, becoming more intimate is also high on your agenda. You are definitely interested in opening up and letting out your secrets and getting to know your partner and closest friends better. For many of you, you are moving beyond the physical and getting to know the world in a more spiritual or metaphysical sense. This is strongest for those of you born July 15 through the 20 and those of you with planets in those degrees. Association, either through friendships or other relationships, can be very financially beneficial to you this year. Investments can prove very good for you, even in this time of financial uncertainty. Taking some classes in this area can be especially helpful. Just be sure that you are open to new opportunities. They will make you step outside your comfort zone. .

Along with the educational theme, you can really benefit from taking classes this year. Your brain is wide open for something new, and you are especially receptive to information. Speaking of vacations, you are really ready to get away from your routines. This is strongest for those of you born July 14 through 20. If you are the one doing the teaching, step outside what you are accustomed to and consider new ways to get your message across. Get more connected to the Internet, as that could also be a great source of income. Your message and ideas are reaching a larger audience, and you need a better way for that to happen. .

Organization is another key idea that you are working with this year. You are ready to get your life, your office, and your home more ordered. You were very busy last year and just didn’t seem to get all your projects finished and put away. First comes the assessment period. You are next ready to start tossing out what you don’t need. Finally, you are going to start straightening things ups. You just don’t seem to have the time for people and projects that don’t give your life some meaning and purpose. Communications with family members could be short and terse. You will have to watch your attitude here. You are not as open and as receptive as you usually are, and that crabby nature could come to the surface. Watch for career bumps from the end of February through the end of April. Don’t waste your resources or your skills during this time. Keep your expenditures to a minimum and don’t take any unnecessary risk with your finances.

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Lilly Roddy

Lilly Roddy has been an Astrologer for the last 25 years. She counsels individuals in personal, business and financial matters as well as teaches classes in Astrology. She is a regular contributor to OutSmart Magazine.

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