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Happy birthday, you cute sexy fishes!

By Lilly Roddy

March continues to be a busy time, and we’ll see a change of themes and directions this month. First, Mercury goes retrograde on the 27th. Get all of your projects started before that time, and be ready to reexamine some old issues while this retrograde lasts through April 27. Mercury is going to have the strongest impact on the cardinal signs—Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn. • Uranus enters Aries in March. The last time Uranus was in Aries was about 84 years ago. This should help energize us and give us some new ideas and inspiration for reinventing our lives and continuing the “revolution” that is going on all around us. • Most of the month is fairly positive. You should try to get as much done during March as you can. The end of the month begins to degrade as we all join in the slow dance with Mercury. • The month begins with the sun in Pisces, the sign of the fishes, and enters Aries, the Ram, on March 20—also the first day of spring. Mercury is scooting along, starting off in Pisces before rushing into Aries on the 9th. Venus is a bit aloof and distant moving through Aquarius, but dips back into the pool and enters Pisces on the 27th. Mars continues floating through Pisces. All the rest of the planets are happy where they are. Neptune will enter Pisces in April.

PISCES (February 19–March 20). This is your annual birthday or solar return time. You are reviewing the past and getting ready to initiate some new projects in your life. Be sure to start them before the end of the month or you will need to wait until May to begin again. Watch your spending this year. You will be more impulsive than usual with purchases. Investing can be very good for you this year. You have lots of energy this month for exercise, or for just having an adventure.

(March 21–April 19). Uranus, planet of independence, enlightenment, and rebellion, enters your sign for the next seven years. She is having the most impact on those of you born in the first four days of the sign. Uranus heightens our sense of freedom, and can make us feel very trapped and wanting to do something very different. Overall, this is a time of rest or retreat for most rams and ewes. Watch your schedule and don’t overload yourself. Surround yourself with like-minded people this month—that will help you find a place of calmness. Mercury is retrograde in your sign at the end of the month. Get all of your projects, like your ducks, in a row.

TAURUS (April 20–May 20). Friends and groups play a big role in your life this month. This is a great month for networking or getting involved in social activities that represent your state of mind. You will certainly be drawn to groups that have some cause associated with it. You are still doing a lot of reorganizing at work. This is a time when things must get done. Near the end of the month, it will be your time to rest and relax. You will be slowly pulling away from the social scene and taking on a much more serious demeanor.

GEMINI (May 21–June 21). Career matters are highlighted throughout this month and halfway through April. If you are considering looking for a new position, getting a promotion, or possibly starting your own business, that will be a part of this month’s activities. Make sure that you make your decisions before the end of the month when your ruling planet, Mercury, goes retrograde. Otherwise, it won’t be a good time for you to make important decisions until the beginning of May. Watch your temper and your nervousness. That may bug others as well as you. Lots of new associates are all around you. It’s a great time for marketing and mixing business with pleasure.

CANCER (June 22–July 22). March is a good month for you to be out expressing and sharing your ideas with the people and groups around you. You are going to be drawn to classes or teaching this month—or at least you’ll want to expand your mind by breaking up your routines and taking a short trip. There is still a lot of focus on getting your home and family matters in shape. You don’t need to get it all done this month, but try to do some of it before your birthday. You are really ready for work to be more interesting. It has to be, or you’ll be looking for other places to work. This can also be a time when you start your own business. Mercury’s retrograde at the end of this month will have you reviewing your career.

LEO (July 23–August 22). This month you are looking at intimacy, loyalty, and betrayal issues. You want to be closer to that special someone in your life. As you seek that out, it will highlight the weak points in your relationship. You can explore these issues with your partner and learn to get closer. If either of you have any reluctance to discuss things, it could do some damage to your relationship. At the end of the month, you are more upbeat and ready to look at alternatives in your life—both at work and in your personal relationships.

VIRGO (August 23–September 22). Your ruling planet, Mercury, goes retrograde at the end of the month. This means that you need to get your new projects initiated during March. This month’s real focus is on relationships. With Mars and the rest of the crew in your relationship sector, you are going to be examining how happy you are and what you and your partner can do as a couple. This is a great time for doing something totally different and being spontaneous. You may need to look up spontaneous in the dictionary so you’ll know what it’s like to break your routine.

LIBRA (September 23–October 23). Work and health habits demand your attention for most of this month. You are definitely ready to take control of this area. It’s a great month for starting a new exercise or health regimen. Relationships with co-workers may be dicey this month since you’re not interested in keeping the peace and making everyone happy. You are more interested in you this month. There is a push to renew existing relationships, but that is only affecting those of you born in the first four days of the sign. Stressed relationships will become even more stressful until they are either repaired or ended. Happier couples just need some new things to do to bring you closer together.

SCORPIO (October 24–November 21). You are feeling much lighter, more easygoing, and looking to have more fun and play during March. This can be a great month to get away, take a short vacation, meet some new people for fun and flirting, or to just indulge yourself with simple pleasures. If you have children, they will need more attention than usual. At work, there is an interest in replacing some of the electronic equipment. Be ready for some disruption in all of this. After a short training period, you’ll be ready for an updated office.

SAGITTARIUS (November 22–December 21). Home, family, and emotional stability lead the way this month as family issues come to the surface. The key to all of this is how you respond—and how much you respond. This is also a great month to entertain in your home. You may be visiting with old friends from your past. Your creative energies begin to surge after mid-month, and you are more than ready to express some of your creative potential. Watch your temper. You may get irritated more easily this month.

CAPRICORN (December 22–January 19). Communications are your specialty this month. You will be direct, forceful, and compassionate in your expressions. There will be a lot of day-to-day activities this month, with lots of small jobs to do that may keep you a bit overloaded. You are still very focused on creating a more stable career path that really gives you the recognition you are seeking. You will be very intolerant of those who treat you poorly. You seek their approval, and you will be judging them. Family issues creep in at the end of the month.

AQUARIUS (January 20–February 18). Money, money, and more money is on your mind. How much do you have? How much do you want? And why don’t you have your share? This is a very creative month for money and finances. You are more than ready to tackle the issues, whether they are from the past or about getting your future in shape. Ideas begin to take shape, and you will start having lots of new ideas as the year progresses. Get out there and get creative.

Read Lilly Roddy’s forecast for all of 2011 at For more astro-insight, log on to


Lilly Roddy

Lilly Roddy has been an Astrologer for the last 25 years. She counsels individuals in personal, business and financial matters as well as teaches classes in Astrology. She is a regular contributor to OutSmart Magazine.

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