

I find myself loving Blase DiStefano [OutSmart entertainment editor] more with each interview, and I enjoy living vicariously through him. He gets to talk to all the good people!! Captain Jack?!?!? Really?!?!? [John Barrowman, “The Entertainer of the Future,” July 2011.] As a huge Doctor Who and Torchwood fan, I must say I’m rarely jealous, but I think I’m a bit jealous of him!!
Rosa Cameron Malone
Houston, Texas

In the article on the remembrance garden [“A Place to Remember: The Montrose Remembrance Garden Set to Open” by Marene Gustin, July 2011], you refer to Vitex agnus-castus (sometimes referred to as Texas or Arabian Lilac) as being native. While it is native to this planet, it is not native to this continent. It may be well-adapted to Texas landscapes, but it was not present [here] until individuals of European descent introduced it.
Hagen Friend
Via web

The Houston GLBT Community Center has made a tragic mistake that should be corrected immediately. Whether through ignorance or neglect, they have [given the name “Crystal” to their new logo (“2011 Organization Pride Marshal: Houston GLBT Community Center proudly celebrates its 15th anniversary” by Brandon Wolf, June 2011). While crystal is indeed the traditional gift for a 15th anninversary,] can we not use some other icon to represent our community? Crystal meth strikes at the heart of a part of our community that has needed and still needs our help. “Crystal” should not represent our community.

Crystal meth has been devastating our community for years, killing people and destroying lives. Crystal is not something that should be celebrated…. I have been clean for over seven years, and as someone who has battled with the addiction of crystal meth, I find it quite offensive that the name of a new logo that represents our community is now “Crystal.”

I cannot believe that the community center did this intentionally, but they certainly were not thinking about the effect that it would have on former addicts and those people struggling with addiction right now. It feels as if the community center has shown that they do not truly understand the community they claim to represent and seek to help….

This is a time of change in our community. The wristwatch is the modern alternative to crystal as a 15th-anniversary gift. Would it not be better that we “watch” over our community and work to help each other?… Crystal meth sows destruction in every community it touches, but we can watch out for that destruction and help each other, as a community should. The Houston GLBT Community Center is there to help and strengthen our community. Should they not be proud to watch out for our community and help it grow and be the strong community I know we are? Honestly, we should seek to help people who need to be helped. “Crystal” does not do that and should not be in the logo representing our community.
Nick Lovelace

Houston, Texas

In OutSmart’s recent fashion spread (“Earthly Treasures,” July 2011), the origin of the jewelry was misstated. All jewelry pictured is available at Male Uwear Houston. OutSmart regrets the error.

E-mail to [email protected], or send to Letters, OutSmart Magazine, 3406 Audubon Place, Houston, TX 77006-4412.

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