Feeling Active
We’re very restless even while we’re motivated to do positive things
by Lilly Roddy
As the month opens, we are continuing to feel more active and goal oriented. This feeling will become even stronger after mid-month, making us feel very restless even while we’re motivated to do positive things. The New Moon in Virgo on the 5th encourages us to pay attention to the details in our lives. It’s a good time to get your life in order and start a new health regimen. The Full Moon in Pisces on the 19th will prompt us to take some time for ourselves to work on relationships and meditation. • Pluto (planet of deep exploration that allows the release of negative unconscious habits) is going direct on the 20th. Pluto usually goes direct around this time each year, marking the start of new energy that the fall season always brings. • Good days for September are the 1st, 7th, 17th, 18th, 21st, and the 26th. This month’s tense days are the 9th, 14th, 16th, and the 28th. • The day when the Sun enters Libra—the first day of fall—occurs on the 22nd at 3:44 p.m. CST. Mercury is whizzing through Virgo and enters balancing Libra on the 9th. Mercury enters inquisitive Scorpio on the 29th. Venus is in her home sign of Libra as the month opens, but enters her darker side when she slips into Scorpio on the 11th. Mars is cruising through Leo all month. Jupiter is in cancer, Saturn remains in Scorpio, Uranus in Aries, Neptune in Pisces, and Pluto in Capricorn. • The next Mercury retrograde comes in mid-October, so plan ahead!
ARIES (March 21–April 19). You have a lot of activity going on this month. First, you are in an organizing mode, getting yourself and your family back on track. Family activity continues to keep you busy through the rest of 2013. You want some time to get away from it all, so don’t forget to include that in your schedule. Relationships take center stage toward the end of the month. If there are relationship tensions, we could see those flare on the 14th, 16th, and 28th. Otherwise, this is a great time to change your routine and revitalize your relationships by taking off on an adventure.
TAURUS (April 20–May 20). This month, you move into a decision-making time related to all of the long-term planning you’ve been working on for a while. You may feel like you’re trying to balance too many things at one time. Make sure you remain true to yourself so you aren’t resentful. Watch those boundaries! Relationships can be tense for you on the 9th and 14th. You will feel that others are just too demanding. Toward the end of the month, you focus your energy on improving work conditions.
GEMINI (May 21–June 21). You are really paying attention to your home and family this month, cleaning up and putting things back in their place. You have a lot of extra energy for your projects, but not too much patience for people who get in your way. Keep an eye on your finances, as unexpected expenses may show up at the end of the month. For many of you, this is a time when you are rolling with the punches and unable to connect to your career. You will be making some decisions about this after December. Give yourself a break.
CANCER (June 22–July 22). With Jupiter (planet of luck and expansion) moving through your sign until next June, you are very, very busy. This is easily a time when many good things present themselves to you, and you want to act on every one of them. Careful what you ask for! You are trying to make some money this year to help with your internal security issues. This is a good month to write or put your ideas into play. Your communication skills are very good. There continues to be lots of activity at home as you work to perk things up there. This can be a very beneficial time, as long as you are careful about how much you try to juggle.
LEO (July 23–August 22). With Mars (planet of action and initiation) moving through your sign this month, this is the time to get your plans and projects started. This can be a great time for exercise or dieting. You may not sleep as well during September as you focus on getting your finances in order. You are continuing to make long-term assessments about your future and where you are going. This is about discovering how much responsibility you want and don’t want. This can be the time to downsize for many of you. You lighten up a little toward the end of the month.
VIRGO (August 23–September 22).Happy Birthday, or Happy Solar Return, to all the Wheat Reapers. This is your yearly cycle of endings and beginnings when you should be looking at what you did last year and what new things you want to accomplish in the upcoming year. Many of you are in a big retreat mode and just want to rest and relax—so put that on your schedule. Communications this month are good, but they’ll tend to be more serious than usual. You don’t want to waste time or words on people who don’t support you. Money becomes the next spotlight item at the end of the month. Watch your impulse buying!
LIBRA (September 23–October 23). This is your yearly rest-and-retreat cycle when you should be finding time to spend by yourself or with just a select few. There is a lot of activity going on with your friends and organizations. They want you to take a stronger role in their lives, but you are a bit hesitant. Career energies continue to build through the end of June 2014. This is a great time to change companies, start your own business, or get a promotion—as long as you take some time out to rest. At the end of the month you’ll be getting busy again.
SCORPIO (October 24–November 21). Now that Saturn (planet of future planning and self-recrimination) is moving through your sign, you are back to taking charge of your life. You are ready to take on leadership roles, plan your future finances, and possibly start your own business. If you are older, this can be a time when you are downsizing and only doing things that are important to you, but not to everyone else. Career activity is highlighted all month. This is a great time to take a risk and do something outside of your comfort zone. You will be ready for a rest by the end of the month.
SAGITTARIUS (November 22–December 21). The planets are moving through your career sector this month. This is a great time for long-term planning. You are considering where you want to be and how to get there. For those of you who are older, this is a time of letting go of some of the responsibility in your life so you can make better use of your personal time. You are trying to add more creativity to your day so you will feel more fulfilled. Toward the end of the month, you are ready to connect with friends and give your brain a rest.
CAPRICORN (December 22–January 19). Like those born in the other cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, and Libra), you are especially busy and making changes in your life much faster than you are used to. You want to be freer and more expressive in the work you do and the projects you take on. Relationships can be tense this month. Don’t say yes just to keep the peace—you need to follow through and meet the expectations others have of you. You are re-evaluating some of your personal and business associations. They have to be worth your time or you won’t bother with them.
AQUARIUS (January 20–February 18). With Mars (planet of activity, sex, arguing, and knives) moving through your relationship sector this month, you will be focused on exactly those things. Your partner may seem angrier than usual, so it’s best not to try and be all logical about explaining that anger. That will only get the anger directed at you! Get out and do something different, fun, risky, or adventuresome. Even a nice walk in the evenings will help. Your long-term planning continues and even picks up a bit toward the end of the month.
PISCES (February 19–March 20). Relationships are on the menu this month. If you are in a relationship, this is a time to invest some energy in it. If you are single, this is a good time for you to get out there and advertize yourself. Co-workers are testy this month, so you may want to avoid them altogether. There needs to be some changes at work, and it needs to be calmly talked about—but you might just end up complaining loudly along with everyone else. You’ll have a special interest in money and finances toward the end of the month.
Click here to read Lilly Roddy’s 2013 forecast. For more astro-insight, log on to lillyroddy.com.