
Pagan Pride

Houston pagans celebrate diversity with pride day
by Megan Smith

The 15th annual Houston Pagan Pride Day, an event that promotes religious tolerance and understanding, will be held October 26 at Khon’s Bar located at 2808 Milam Street.

Houston Pagan Pride Day is part of the global Pagan Pride Project, which is dedicated to the elimination of religious prejudice and discrimination for all people and all religions through a celebration of diversity.

The project calls pride day “a fun event for both pagans and the curious.” The theme of this year’s event is “Celebrating the Mythology of the World.”

The event, which runs from 3 p.m. until 10 p.m., promises fun for the whole family, regardless of religious affiliation. Youth classes in drumming, creative arts, poi spinning, and belly dancing will be offered.

Adults can join in the fun by competing alongside their kids during the event’s costume contest. Prizes will be awarded for the best mythological costumes.

Families may also come together at the event’s Day of the Dead altar to honor their loved ones who have passed.

Attendees can enjoy music provided by GBmojo, Robin Kirby, and Wild Rabbit Salad while they browse through a variety of vendors selling art, handcrafted gifts, books, incense, and other treasures. Food and beverages will also be for sale.

As part of the project’s mission of education, Houston Pagan Pride Day will host discussion panels on different pagan community practices and traditions. This dialogue helps non-pagans to better understand their pagan friends and allows pagans to find pride and confidence in their path.

Houston Pagan Pride Day is free to the public, but a minimum donation of $5 is suggested. Animal-care items will also be accepted. Donations will benefit Adopt a Rescued Friend, Inc. and SpiralScouts.

For more information on Houston Pagan Pride Day, visit

Megan Smith

Megan Smith is the Assistant Editor for OutSmart Magazine.

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