Arts & EntertainmentMusic

Matt Zarley: hopefulROMANTIC

Out singer and songwriter Matt Zarley presents a pop album with a musical-theater influence that takes listeners through the unapologetically optimistic story of a romance. There are two versions of the album with the second one being the soundtrack to his short film of the same name which features Zarley, Chuck Scaulla, Jolie Jenkins, and George Takei. “Somebody 4 Everybody” and “I Just Knew” highlight the energetic and apprehensive energy of finding someone, “Shiny New Toy” takes you through the breakup, and “Let Me Go” laments the post-break emotions or trying to get over your ex, and “Hopeful” circles back to renewal and the courage to try again. DMG ( —Bradley Donalson

Bradley Donalson

Bradley Donalson is a frequent contributor to OutSmart magazine.
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