GOP Candidate for Texas Governor: “I’d Gladly Execute a Convicted Sodomite”

By John Wright
Texas has two openly LGBTQ candidates for governor in 2018, Democrats Lupe Valdez and Jeffrey Payne.
The Lone Star State also has a Republican gubernatorial candidate, Larry SECEDE Kilgore, who apparently believes Valdez, Payne and other “sodomites” should be put to death.
When he previously ran for governor in 2014, Kilgore told me that while he supports the death penalty as punishment for homosexuality, he planned to put the issue aside so he could focus on advocating for secession.
In 2018, however, it seems Kilgore is making his version of “biblical law” a more central part of his campaign. On Friday morning, he took to social media with this bit of holiday cheer:
“I’d gladly execute a convicted adulterer, sodomite or bestialiter. Biblical law is a blessin,” Kilgore wrote, alongside a link to a story about “bestiality brothels” in Germany.
In the past, Kilgore has also called for judges to “flog more severely those convicted of tranvestitism.”
In the 2008 Republican primary against Texas Senator John Cornyn, Kilgore received 226,649 votes. But in his 2014 race against Governor Greg Abbott, he garnered only 19,055.
“I tried to build a coalition of libertarians and Democrats for secession,” Kilgore told Fort Worth’s Star-Telegram in June, after announcing his 2018 gubernatorial bid. “Well, that failed miserably. So this time, I’m just sticking with my roots.”
Kilgore, who legally changed his middle name to SECEDE in 2012, also said he doesn’t plan to cut his hair or beard “until Texas has laws that can protect unborn children.”