March 2020 Horoscope: Time to Begin Anew
Try to get all of that done before Venus goes retrograde on April 29.

With the Mercury retrograde finally direct on March 15, it will be a good time to begin any new projects or initiate new contacts. Try to get all of that done before Venus goes retrograde on April 29. Venus retrogrades influence relationships and your money! • March gets especially busy after the 15th. It will be a time of decision-making, especially regarding business, emotional and financial security, and career directions. Tensions could be especially high during the weekend of the 21st. • Saturn, our career director and social judge, enters Aquarius, the sign of the ideal society, until July 1. Then she re-enters Capricorn, the worker bee. Saturn’s need to rework your boundaries and priorities will have the strongest impact on the fixed signs of Aquarius, Taurus, Leo, and Scorpio. • The sun begins the month in Pisces, but eventually enters Aries on March 19, the first day of spring. Venus begins the month in Aries, but soon enters Taurus on the 3rd. Mercury starts in Aquarius retrograde, goes direct on the 15th, and enters Pisces on the 16th. Mars continues his journey through Capricorn, along with Pluto. Uranus remains in Taurus, and Neptune continues sailing through Pisces.
ARIES (Mar. 21–Apr. 19)
Career activity is at the top of your list this month. You are looking to make some major changes by controlling more of this aspect of your life. Some of you will be starting something on your own, while others will be taking a leadership role within their current organization. Some Arians will seriously consider retiring. For all of you, this is your annual birthday cycle when you look back at what you have accomplished last year and look ahead to the new objectives you are planning to tackle this year. Pay attention to your boundaries this month, as many people will want your time and attention. Friends can be very supportive of your aspirations, but you’ll need to ask them for help. Your self-confidence builds through the end of the month and well into April.
TAURUS (Apr. 20–May 20)
As the month begins, you are in a creative and mentally expansive time. This is also a very good month for team building and focusing on new directions in your life. You will also be looking more at your career direction. This year will see you taking a greater leadership role at work or within your community. This could also be a time when you want to start something on your own. After March 15 is the best time to push forward with your dreams. Relationships are a bit more tense as you seek to redefine what you are looking for in a partnership. Existing relationships need an upgrade. If you are single, you are taking your time and being cautious about any commitments.
GEMINI (May 21–June 21)
Creativity and career combine this month. Mercury retrograde is having a strong impact on you, causing you to rethink the overall direction of your life. You will be ready to move forward with your ideas after the 15th. Friends and business groups can be very helpful in reaching your goals. This is also a time when you may find it’s easier to borrow money for a business expansion or a home purchase. Be careful not to push yourself too hard—this is a month when it’s easy to overstress yourself with difficult deadlines. Relationships can be demanding as well. Pay attention to your boundaries!
CANCER (June 22–July 22)
Relationships are one of your main priorities this month. If you are in a partnership, this is a great time for renewal, setting new goals, and creating a stronger emotional bond. If you are single, after the 15th is an excellent time for you to meet new people for romance or business opportunities. If you are having a difficult time, your issues will come to the surface so you can both fix the problems at hand. Don’t go it alone—other people have great ideas to help you, including your partner! You will also be more energetic this month. This is also a great time to restart any exercise or health program. You will need some physical activity to help you sleep better at night. This is also a good month to promote your services or your company to new clients after the 15th.
LEO (July 23–Aug. 22)
You are taking a much harder look at your life in general this month. You could be making big plans for a career shift, relocating, or reestablishing a strong bond with your mate. This activity gets even stronger by the end of the month. You are looking for something that stimulates you at work and relieves the boredom with your current job. This could be a radical shift, and you could even be considering retirement or unplugging from our overly high-tech society. It would help if you could find some time to get away and clear your mind before the 15th so you can have time to really consider which direction you want to take with your life. You do have the illusion of being more in control this month, so take advantage of that!
VIRGO (Aug. 23–Sept. 22)
This should be a creative month of continuing fun for you! You are open to new ideas and new ways of using what you have. With your ruling planet, Mercury, going direct on the 15th, it is important to delay making any commitments until after that time. Nevertheless, it continues to be a great time to reconnect with old friends or clients from your past. The energies this month are good for writing, publishing, and even taking some time off. This should also be a great month to spend time with your children, who will be a source of inspiration for you! You will be paying a lot more attention to your health over the next couple of years. Adopt a proactive course, and don’t wait for things to get bad before you address them. It’s easy to avoid things we don’t want to do. Continue to focus on improving your financial health by reducing debt. That will help you feel freer!
LIBRA (Sept. 23–Oct. 23)
As with last month, you are continuing to focus on home, family, your health, and improving your career. With your home, this can be the time for remodeling or relocating. You are finally getting serious about fixing some of the problems you have been avoiding. With family, you are setting some boundaries because you are always the person they call when there is trouble. You will be more direct with them, but your anger will show up as well! With your health, you react more to the environment around you, including coworkers and clients. If you can, get rid of the people who create those problems. It is not your job to adjust to their drama just because you can. You are ready to express your needs within your relationship.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24–Nov. 21)
This is a big month of changes for you on several levels. Your relationship sector is going through a major overhaul. For your relationships that are working, this is a time to set new goals and look for other ways to enjoy time with your partners. If you are having a problem, this is the time to bring that issue to the surface so it can be dealt with once and for all! If you are single, you may want to stay that way unless someone really special and unique comes into your life. Home, family, and career are the other areas to focus on this month. With family, you are setting boundaries and witnessing a “passing of the old guard” as you take on a more dominant family role. With your career, you are examining the best way to use your resources to create a safe and stable financial and emotional life. You’ll naturally want to wait until after the 15th to launch those new projects that will ensure future success.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22–Dec. 21)
Finances and creativity take the lead this month. You are in a very good place to reexamine your financial goals and reassess your current debt. After the 15th, it can be a much better time for investments—if you stay on a conservative path. Later in March is also good for starting a new business or improving the quality of services you already provide. You need more time to yourself in the evenings to recharge. This can also be a great time to get away to a nature retreat or a spa so you can let most of your problems go. Family can be demanding, but your boundaries are working better so you are not overdoing it as much. In relationships, you may need more time to yourself in order to avoid the drama that your partner generates. In the latter part of the month, it’s a great time to get away, spend time with your children, or indulge in your favorite things!
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22–Jan. 19)
This is certainly a very busy month for you with Mars (the planet of taking action right now) moving through your sign until March 30. Your confidence will be stronger, and you are ready to take the lead on any project. The first half of the month is better for working on plans rather than putting them into action—even though it will be hard to curb your enthusiasm with Mars being so strong. After the 15th, it’s go time! This is a great month to focus on what makes you the best person you can be. Now is the time to get back into a health or exercise program, find a good life coach, and step up to express your views. You will be focusing more and more on your finances over the next two years as you get rid of debt and make your overall life plan more workable. This is a big time of change for Capricorns. We haven’t seen this planetary lineup since 1518, which is why there is so much change going on worldwide.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18)
With Saturn (planet of career, long-term security, social judgment, and boundaries) entering the sign of Aquarius for a 28-month visit, you are doing a huge rethinking of your life and the direction it’s going. The last time Saturn was in your sign was in 1991, and decisions that you made during that time are being tested and reexamined. This can mean a shift in your career route, starting something on your own, or improving on what you have been doing. Saturn often makes us very conscious about what others think. With Saturn being so strong, it is very important that you choose a good mentor who is not a critic. You are currently considering how to improve your skills and talents so you can make better use of your natural abilities. After Mercury is direct on the 15th, it is time to put your plans into action!
PISCES (Feb. 19–Mar. 20)
With Mercury retrograde in your sign until the 15th, you are taking some time to be alone with yourself and your thoughts. This continues to be a great time to reconnect with your past and with past associates. With business, the first half of the month is a great time to connect with existing clients or customers. After the 15th, the time is right to create new connections, both professionally and personally. You continue to be active in your community, and you may even be taking a leadership role there. You are still letting go of people from your past who don’t fit into your new environment. During the last part of the month, you are more focused on your finances and on freeing yourself from debt or past restrictions. By the end of the month, your family needs some attention. Be sure to take your boundaries with you when you visit them!
For more astro-insight, log on to lillyroddy.com.
This article appears in the March 2020 edition of OutSmart magazine.