What is your favorite shot to make? To drink?
Favorite to make: Blue Raspberry Lemon Drop.
Favorite to drink: Jameson Irish Whisky with a Coke back.
Where is your favorite place to drink when not on duty?
Right here at JR’s.
What are you best known for?
The Stockholm Royale Martini with Chambord Liqueur, Champagne, and Deep Eddy Lemon Vodka
What is the best and worst holiday to work? Why?
I like them all. My favorite is Halloween and all of the elaborate costumes. Where else can you see a Patrick Starr costume with thigh-high boots!
Biggest tip from one customer?
$100 on the card, plus $100 cash!
Who are the hardest customers to please?
Indecisive guests that cannot make up their mind, especially when we are busy.
If you weren’t a bartender…what career would you choose?
Probably healthcare – dermatology or plastic surgery. Or, maybe a professional drag queen – “Giselle OEll”
Do you have any pets?
One dog, “Clio”
Rapid Fire: Favorite Food?
Fried chicken
Favorite Restaurant:
Still experiencing all that Houston has to offer.
Favorite Travel Spot:
San Francisco
Dream Vacation:
Somewhere tropical
Advice to a wannabe bartender in an LGBTQ bar:
“Live and let live. Don’t be too serious, and drink responsibly.
The Super Power You’d Like?
The power to control people’s memory.
Theme Song:
“Sweet Dreams” by Beyoncé or “Wet” by Nicole Scherzinger.
JR’S Bar & Grill
808 Pacific St.
This article appears in the May 2021 edition of OutSmart magazine.