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April 2022 Horoscope: A Boost of Energy

Aries season motivates us to get active.

Pisces, inspired by dancer Willi Ninja | Illustration by Sebastian Gomez de la Torre

This is a good month to act on your new projects! We have a Mercury retrograde coming up from May 3 through June 11 (in Gemini and Taurus), so plan ahead. This is going to be an active month, especially in the last two weeks. 

Our New Moon on April 1 in Aries will provide the boost of energy we need to step into spring. We will be feeling more independent and ready to move forward. The Full Moon on April 16 in Libra reminds us of our relationships and obligations to others. We are trying to find a balance between our need for self-care and our partnerships with others. 

Good days this month are April 2, 7, 8, 17, 27, and 30. Days to stay flexible are April 4, 10, 12, 18 and the 24th. This month we see Jupiter, our planet of travel and foreign affairs, coming into contact with Neptune, our planet of compassion and spiritual matters. This energy has been building for the last month and will be very strong around the 12th. We will need to open our minds and hearts during this time. The weather could be more volatile during that period. 

ARIES (Mar. 21–Apr. 19)
Happy Birthday to you Aries folks out there! This is your time of personal endings and beginnings. It’s a very good month to review your choices from last year and determine the goals you are going to set this year. This is an especially good time to focus on yourself. You are reviewing your friendships and business associations this month, looking for more mature and reliable people to pal around with. In the latter half of the month, you are more aware of finances, debt, and investments. You may be looking at upgrading your skill set or exploring other sources of income. It’s important to pace yourself toward the end of the month. You will need more time to yourself.  

TAURUS (Apr. 20–May 20)
You are still feeling the pressure of career, long-term planning, and decisions about your future goals. Business associates and friends have been sharing their points of view with you. You are eliminating activities that don’t really offer a return on your investment. You are also exploring future options with your partner. This can be a time of commitment or recommitment. You are clear about your choices. Your energy levels may wane a bit, particularly after midmonth. You will want more time to yourself to explore your creativity and spirituality. Keep your schedule flexible so you don’t feel trapped. You will get a burst of energy at the end of the month!

GEMINI (May 21–June 21)
This continues to be a busy time for the Twins! Most of the activity is taking place in the career, social, and friendship sectors of your horoscope. Early April is a good time to improve your skills and find new areas of study. You are slowly getting clearer about your career direction. This entire year is very good for exploring new career options. The latter part of April is a better time for business alliances and connecting with friends. This should be a positive time for improving your relationships. If you are single, this is a good month to meet new folks. Your magnetism and charm is stronger this year. By the end of the month, you will need some time for yourself! 

CANCER (June 22–July 22)
You have a lot on your plate this month as you try to get organized. You continue to work hard on ridding yourself of debt that is limiting your choices, and you are ready to make the necessary sacrifices!  You are also in a more creative time for sharing your ideas and views with those around you. This is a good month for a class—either as a student or the teacher! This is a very good month for improving your presence on the social-media platforms. You are also ready to take a leadership role as you work on improving your life. In late April you are looking to connect with social organizations and friends that you have avoided during the pandemic. Keep your agenda more flexible in the last half of the month.

 LEO (July 23–Aug. 22)
As the month begins, relationships and commitments are still your main topics. You are reevaluating your commitments to see if they are still viable. If they aren’t, you’ll be working to improve them or find other options. Career activity is very strong, particularly in the last half of the month. This could be a good month to start something on your own, look for a new career path, or consider retirement. You are certainly looking for something that sparks your interest and your passion. Restrictive jobs and relationships will be very irritating this month. You should pay attention to your finances this month, as you’ll be tempted to spend money on things you like. 

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept.22)
You are still working on improving your diet and exercise programs, and your motivation will be strong through midmonth. If you can establish some good habits in early April, they will become a natural part of your routine. Relationships need some TLC, and it’s an excellent time to go on a trip, start a project together, or just have more fun. Your impulse-spending is strong this month, so think twice about purchases. Business relationships should improve in April. If you are single, this whole month is good for dating, but your charm is especially strong in late April. In the latter half of the month you are open to new ideas and points of view. This is a great time to take a class or just improve what you already do! 

LIBRA (Sept. 23–Oct. 23)
Relationships are always important to you Librans, and this month those partnerships are even more important. For some, this is the time to strengthen those bonds. If there are problems, they will come to the surface so they can be addressed. Relationships are very important this whole year, but especially in the summer. If you are single and looking, this is a very good month to find potential partners. Health and fitness routines continue to remain strong, especially after midmonth. This is also a great month to explore your creative urges or to enjoy your children’s imaginative impulses. Toward the end of the month you’ll be looking for ways to reduce debt and make better use of your resources. 

SCORPIO (Oct. 24–Nov. 21)
You are continuing to work on making your home a more comfortable place, which could mean doing major upgrades or even relocating. Your family may need your advice more than ever. You seem to have the best perspective on things, even if they don’t want to acknowledge it. In the second half of the month, you are looking to have more fun and step away from work and family demands. This would be a great time to take a class! You are adjusting your workplace for the “new normal” work environment. Relationships are the main focus in the last half of the month. If you are involved, this is a good time for some bonding. If you are single, this is a good time to be looking. You are seeking resolution with an increasingly difficult relationship.  

SAGITTARIUS (Nov.22–Dec.21) 
As the month opens, you continue to focus on getting more control over day-to-day activities. You may be eliminating some responsibilities so you can focus on more important things. You may be holding back verbally to avoid letting your anger get out of hand. More than ever, your home is a retreat this month and throughout 2022. You may be looking to relocate or remodel, all in the interest of making your nest a more comfortable place. You are in a more creative place by mid-April. This is a much better time for self-promotion. Later in the month you are reworking your routines, improving your office environment, and updating your social-media outreach. You are busy this month!

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22–Jan. 19)
There is a lot of activity this month, and most of it is taking place inside of you! You continue to review your finances and reduce debt. All of your spending will need to be justified so you can feel OK about your finances. Home and family are big topics this month. You are wanting to spend more time at home bonding with family members. This is a good time for upgrading furnishings and painting the walls. You will need more freedom from your work in early April as you renew your energies before you start to get very busy at the end of the month. You are speaking out more often about how things are impacting you. In late April you are looking for something that really catches your interest so you can have more fun!

 AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18)
With Saturn (our planet of career) visiting your sign through the end of the year, you are exploring, reviewing, and initiating your plans for the future. You are setting some personal boundaries about how open you are to others. You have little tolerance for immature people. With finances, this is a good month to focus on talents that serve others. This is also a great month to enjoy your hobbies and find more time for them. If you are an artist, this is a super month to promote what you do! By the end of April, you are connecting with home and family. You will want to do some redecorating—a trend we’ve seen since January that is especially strong this month. Focus on the family members you like, and don’t worry about the rest. 

 PISCES (Feb. 19–Mar. 20)
This month continues to be busy, productive, and full of opportunities. Your personal energies are attracting good people and prospects! You will be more prepared to act on these options after midmonth. Nevertheless, you still need time for yourself, despite the desires of others. Career activity is very positive this month, and most likely throughout 2022. This is a great time to go back to school, start your own business, or look for ways to live “off the grid.” Watch your spending this month, as you are more impulsive. You are working on getting more control of your daily routines. You are eliminating activities and people that are restrictive or too demanding. Your communications are clearer and to-the-point after mid-April. You are the most important person in your life, so make sure you feel special this month. 

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This article appears in the April 2022 edition of OutSmart magazine. 

Lilly Roddy

Lilly Roddy has been an Astrologer for the last 25 years. She counsels individuals in personal, business and financial matters as well as teaches classes in Astrology. She is a regular contributor to OutSmart Magazine.
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