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June 2022 Horoscope: Rethinking Our Options

Expect time to renew your thoughts during Gemini Season.

Gemini, inspired by filmmaker sisters Lana and Lily Wachowski | Illustration by Sebastian Gomez de la Torre

This has been a very hard last couple of months. The planets have been bunching up in the sky, and that always increases the tension. Thankfully, we should get some breathing space in the first half of the month. Mercury will be “stationary direct” on June 3, but wait until it’s fully direct on the 11th to start new projects. We are in a period of rethinking our career choices, and that energy continues through October. We will also be having renewed thoughts of hope and compassion for our planet through December of this year. 

The sun enters Cancer on the Summer Solstice, June 21. Mercury is traveling through Taurus as the month begins, but enters Gemini on the 14th. Venus travels through Taurus for most of the month, then enters Gemini on the 22nd. Mars continues its active path through its home sign of Aries. People in the cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn) will be more active and take life more personally. Jupiter remains in Aries, Saturn in Aquarius, Uranus in Taurus, Neptune in Pisces, and Pluto in Capricorn. 

As we finish the Mercury retrograde on the 11th, we won’t experience any more delays. Come September 1, we enter a very long retrograde cycle lasting until February 18, so get what you need started before we reach September.

ARIES (Mar. 21–Apr. 19)
This is a very busy month for you Rams! There are many more opportunities for work, relationships, travel, and increasing your education. You get a big energetic boost that helps with courage, stepping outside your comfort zone, and improved consciousness about health. You are more open and communicative and are getting your routines in order. By midmonth, you begin to shift your focus to home and family. This could be a great time for a family reunion or a celebration with friends. You may also be considering relocating because of a better job opportunity that requires more travel. 

TAURUS (Apr. 20–May 20)
You are communicating more this month about your desires and long-term plans. Your career activity continues to be strong as you push yourself to achieve your goals. This is the time to take a leadership role or consider doing something on your own. Relationships are better, as there is a sense of compromise in the air. The beginning of the month is an excellent time to negotiate contracts, expand your client base, and renew your connection with your romantic partner. If you are single, this is a good time to be more social, as your magnetism is much stronger. You are having to balance this with a need to have more time to yourself. Choose your company carefully, especially in late June. Next month, you get a boost of energy to move forward. 

GEMINI (May 21–June 21)
This is your annual cycle of renewal and looking back on accomplishments while looking forward to what you will do next. It’s a great time to connect with friends, business groups, and social organizations, as they can expand your support and help you achieve your goals. Career becomes even more important as you continue to push forward. You are reviewing your skills and finances in the latter part of June. You are exploring ways to expand your outreach at work to alleviate debt. You are also continuing to work on improving your health routines for the rest of this year.

 CANCER (June 22–July 22)
This month is a mixed bag for you Crustaceans. One part of you will need more time to yourself for reflection to gather your inner forces. Career activity is expanding, along with different opportunities. This energy will be active until October. This month, you are definitely looking to make some career changes. Your temper will be shorter, and you take life too personally! This can also be a great time for exercise, changing your diet, and being more of your real self. Your connection to friends and your former social life is all in a state of change. COVID certainly had an impact on that, but you are being more selective overall. You are looking for friends and associates who share your point of view. You may be drawn to community activities by the end of the month.

LEO (July 23–Aug. 22)
You should be feeling more active and ready to make some changes in your life to adjust to the new normal. Work structures are changing as you adjust to working at home while reconnecting with routines that require office time. Some of you may be considering living off the grid entirely. This month is good for travel, expanding your education, or increasing your presence on social media. Relationships are still in a period of adjustment as you explore new goals and ways to renew the partnership. Your loyalty is strong, so it’s natural for you to hold on rather than just letting go. By the end of the month, you will need some private time for yourself for renewal and self-care. 

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept.22)
Your career is highlighted this month. After the 11th is a great time to reach out to new clients or customers and expand your sales. It can also be a good time to look for a better position. You are considering being your own boss. That energy gets a lot stronger at the end of the year. Finances should be more fluid this month. You may want to consider new investments and new ways to do what you do better. Better eating habits can help you get rid of the COVID fat. You will need a new plan instead of trying to revive the old one. You are very open to new ways to view the world and the way it operates. Adapting to change is one of Virgo’s superpowers! Friends can be very helpful with advice and support.

 LIBRA (Sept. 23–Oct. 23)
This will certainly be a busy month for you Libras. Your relationship energies are being stirred up. If you are in a partnership, this is a great time for renewal and redefining boundaries. If you are single and looking, this is a very good time to meet new people. However, if you are unhappy, this same energy can have you looking at alternatives. You will have to give more time to this area of your life. This is true in business relationships that may need some TLC! Career activity is also strong. You may want to take more of a leadership role and consider alternatives. If you are older, cutting back to a more reasonable schedule is tempting. People can seem angrier this month! You don’t need to be the depository for their negative emotions, so avoid them if you can.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24–Nov. 21)
You are more social this month and are more active with work and friends. You are wanting to break out of your old routines and focus on things you really like to do. With work, this is a great time to expand your base, improve your skills, and update your work area. Your relationships need some attention. You are looking for more communicative relationships that foster freedom of expression. Relationships that are too restrictive may not survive. If you are single, you are ready for a partnership! As with many other signs, you could be feeling motivated to improve health and exercise routines. Even with Mercury retrograde until the 11th, this is a good time to get back into it. This is a better time for writing, blogging, and TikToking, which can be very helpful for your career!

SAGITTARIUS (Nov.22–Dec.21) 
This month you are more concerned with your resources and how to make better use of them. With work, you are wanting more freedom to set your own schedule. You may also be replacing old equipment and updating your electronics. You may be able to expand your hobby into a side job or even a new profession. Your kids will need more of your time, as they are pushing your boundaries. Your relationship energies improve by midmonth, and continue to improve well into next month. If you are single, people are more attracted to you. You may be looking into alternative investments or updating your portfolio. And last but not least, you’re also looking to have a fun month! 

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22–Jan. 19)
Relationships are the main topic this month. If things are good, this is a great time to renew your commitment. If things aren’t going so well, this opens the doors to improved communications—even if the outcome is not remaining together. If you are single and interested, this is a good time to consider a partner. You are clearer than ever about your boundaries. Home and family is also a strong theme this month. Some of you are doing home repairs, and others are considering relocating or looking for a vacation home. Family does demand your attention! Disagreements can be plentiful, as everyone wants their own way. You need to step in and be the boss. Communications improve at work, making it easier to move things along.   

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18)
In the larger view, you Aquarians are working to improve your priorities, create better boundaries, and build on your financial security. This can be a time to start your own business that will allow greater freedom of choice in your life. Life is busier than usual this month. There are lots of small jobs that need your immediate attention. You are more direct in your communications, and others may see this as a lack of patience on your part. Both are true! You will want to have more order at home and in the office. You are looking to work with less effort. This can be a more creative time to enjoy hobbies—if you can fit it into your schedule. 

PISCES (Feb. 19–Mar. 20)
You Pisceans have been reviewing your religious and spiritual beliefs over the past year. You may be wanting a stronger connection with your spiritual center as you question your own views. On a more mundane front, you are making your home a more comfortable place. This may include redecorating and updating appliances. You are also feeling more connected to your family. This can be a good time for a family reunion or having dinner together more often. (This can be your chosen family, and not necessarily your birth family!) Money can come and go easily this month, so watch your impulse spending. In the latter half of June, you are wanting to have more fun and less work!  

For more astro-insight,

This article appears in the June 2022 edition of OutSmart magazine.

Lilly Roddy

Lilly Roddy has been an Astrologer for the last 25 years. She counsels individuals in personal, business and financial matters as well as teaches classes in Astrology. She is a regular contributor to OutSmart Magazine.
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