
Glamour, Grace, and a Bearded Face

Ms. Mykie mixes old-school glamour with over-the-top camp.

Photo by Frank Hernandez

When Ms. Mykie enters the room, everyone notices. The curvaceous chanteuse, who even sings in drag with Pride Chorus Houston, is a must-see musical treat. Life is a banquet, and she is busy eating it up by exhibiting the radical confidence to be her authentic self, both on and off the stage. Find out more about how this ol’ gal puts the pep in her step.


Inner avatar?
A pig in a wig.


Drag birthday?
March 6, 2015

What got you interested in drag?
The glamour. I have always been drawn to strong and powerful women. Drag allows me to access that divine femininity and harness it.

Describe your drag persona.
Ms. Mykie is a suspiciously large, bearded woMAN who believes herself to be a 4-foot-tall, 90-pound petite girl. She’s glamour and grace with a bearded face—with a dash of unresolved childhood trauma.

Describe your drag aesthetic.
Ms. Mykie is all about the Old Hollywood glamour with a touch of camp. You can always expect some laughter and whimsy in my performances. As a woman of my age and size, it’s no surprise that I lean into power ballads and comedy. I’ll leave the bucking and shablams for the younger girls. My insurance rates are already high enough.

How did you pick your name?
I go by Mykie in my boy life, so that’s how Ms. Mykie came about. At the beginning, I played around with a few names, but I feel Mykie and Ms. Mykie are the same—except one wears a lot of makeup and has a shopping problem. It is also a play on my love of Miss Piggy. She’s a glamorous pig in a gown who’s not afraid to throw her weight around.

What would people be surprised to know about you?
People are surprised to find out I am a recovering alcoholic and have almost two years of sobriety, which has been my greatest accomplishment and what I hold most dear. Also, at 40 years old, I have gone back to school for fashion design.

Describe your involvement with Pride Chorus Houston.
Pride Chorus Houston is my oasis in this crazy world. I’ve always loved singing, and finding an LGBTQIA choir has been such a blessing. It’s difficult at times to find sober places for fellowship among LBGTQIA people. Being able to mix singing with queerness plus sobriety has been really magical for me!

What is it like singing with the choir in drag?
Being able to sing in drag has been a missing link in my life that I didn’t realize I lacked. I have sung for years in more traditional choirs, but felt so restricted. At times, I felt the need to dim my queerness. Even being asked to wear a traditional tuxedo made me feel uncomfortable and so unglamorous. Pride Chorus Houston encourages self-expression, and when I was able to sing and wear a gown, I felt like my most authentic for the first time. It’s something I cherish very deeply.

What’s your guilty pleasure?
DoorDash! I get way too excited driving home from a gig or work or rehearsal while ordering some delicious food that will be delivered right as I get home. 

What’s a must-have that you carry in your purse?
Chocolate, my lip color choice for the evening, and the most valuable tool in the drag game: safety pins.

#TeamBritney or #TeamXtina?
Britney for life!

Which candy or dessert would best describe you, and why?
A fudge brownie, because I’m ooey-gooey and full of calories.

What do you do in your downtime?
Sleep, darling. I’m so grateful to have a full and diverse calendar, but when I get some downtime, this old queen needs her beauty sleep.

Marry, Shag, Kill: Ryan Seacrest, Ryan Gosling, Ryan Reynolds?
Kill Seacrest, marry Gosling, and shag Reynolds.

Any New Year’s resolutions?
Personally, I intend to keep working on staying in a place of gratitude. Try to do one small act of kindness each day. Meditate and find deeper meaning in life. Now, enough of that hippy-drippy stuff! Professionally, I want to continue exploring burlesque through drag, and work with my queer friends to create more art—be that in fashion or music or a good ol’ drag show.

Where do you normally perform?
As much as I love drag, my full-time gig is a hairdresser. Yet, I take every opportunity I get to perform. You can find me guest-starring in many upcoming shows throughout town, such as Aphrodisi-Acts and at Buddy’s and Ripcord. Follow my Insta for updates!

Follow Ms. Mykie on Instagram @Ms.Mykie

This article appears in the January 2023 edition of OutSmart magazine.

Sam Byrd

Sam Byrd is a freelance contributor to Outsmart who loves to take in all of Houston’s sights, sounds, food and fun. He also loves helping others to discover Houston’s rich culture. Speaking of Houston, he's never heard a Whitney Houston song he didn't like.
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