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A Mercury Retrograde for the Winter Solstice

Capricorn’s reign begins.

Happy New Year! As the month begins, we are still in Mercury retrograde, a time of delays and reviewing the past, until January 8. After the 8th is the time to put your New Year’s resolutions into play! We are still in an upbeat mood as the month begins, and we may not be back into our workaday world until midmonth.

The New Moon on the 11th will help us push our career and security needs forward. This will be an excellent time to look for a new position. The Full Moon on the 25th reminds us of our uniqueness. We will want to make the people around us feel special and important to us.

The Sun enters Aquarius on the 20th, joining Pluto. Mercury goes stationary direct on the 1st, but we are not out of the retrograde until the 8th. Mercury enters Capricorn on the 13th. Venus starts the month in Sagittarius but enters Capricorn on the 23rd. Mars finishes his visit in Sagittarius and also enters Capricorn on the 4th. Jupiter and Uranus remain in Taurus; Saturn and Neptune remain in Pisces.

ARIES (Mar. 21–Apr. 19)

You are certainly in an upbeat mood as the month begins. You remain in a holiday mood until about midmonth. Your career energies take on a much bigger role this month. You may be taking on a leadership role, generating conflicts at work, or starting your own business. You don’t have much patience there! Your relationships need some attention, and you have to balance that with your own needs. This continues to be a better time for you financially, but you are also spending more. Later in the month, you are looking to reinvent your social group and friends. Your patience level is very low this month, and you will want to find a positive outlet; otherwise it may show up at your work!

TAURUS (Apr. 20–May 20)
There are big shifts in your career sector this month. You are considering what your plans need to be. There continues to be plenty of opportunity, but it may require that you relocate or take on a new task. You want more freedom of choice about most everything in your life. You are more aware of the world around you and how the events affect you personally. This is a great time for taking classes or improving your current skill set. Your relationships continue to be positive. This is a very good time to connect with others for business partnerships, friendship, or romance. Your leadership skills are being activated this year, and you may take a leadership role in your business or community organizations.

GEMINI (May 21–June 21)

Your relationship energies are very active this month, as Mercury retrograde has been hovering there since last month. Difficult partnerships will be tested and a resolution needed. In positive partnerships, you are reconnecting and enjoying the process. You have also been reconnecting with friends from your past. Career activity really picks up and builds into the early spring. You are looking for a promotion, assuming a leadership role, or starting something on your own. If you are older, this can be a time of semi-retirement and looking for something else to do. You are working on clearing your debt in the last part of the month, and particularly at the very end.

CANCER (June 22–July 22)

You are paying attention to your work and health routines this month. This is an excellent month to have a checkup, improve your health, and develop a better balance between your work and home life. You may be short-tempered with co-workers or people working in your home. With Mercury retrograde, you have been introspective about your partnerships, and you may have been connecting with friends and associates from the past. Friends are very supportive at this time, and can help with business decisions as well as emotional reassurance. This is a good time to focus on improving your social-media position, which can benefit you financially. Freeing yourself from debt is foremost this month!

LEO (July 23–Aug. 22)

As the month opens, you are in a more playful mood and still enjoying the holiday season. After the 8th, you are ready to return to normal routines. At work there are some shifts occurring. New people could be coming in, and you may be changing your duties. If you are a stay-at-home parent, you are taking a more active role in your children’s lives. This would be an excellent time to work with the PTO, the school board, or neighborhood organization. You are also paying more attention to your health, and this might be a good time to join a gym or employ a personal trainer. In the latter part of the month, relationships take the focus. You are renewing your connections!

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept.22)

This month is a significant time for partnerships. If you are in a partnership, this is a time of review and renewal. You are going to be setting new relationship goals. If you are in a difficult partnership, there has to be resolution one way or the other. Your career and your role there take on stronger implications. This continues to be a family time, even if everyone was not happy with events over the holidays. You are more creative as the month progresses. At the end of the month, you begin focusing on improving your health. This is a super time to break bad habits and set new healthy ones. If you are a parent, kids will be more demanding this month.

LIBRA (Sept. 23–Oct. 23)

As the month begins, you are still connecting with friends and finishing up your holidays, when you find yourself busier than usual connecting with friends from the past. By midmonth, you are focusing on your family and home. You may be considering home improvements or even relocating, as you are wanting your nest to be more comfortable. There can be family squabbles, and you may have to step in and assert yourself during the next two months. You are looking for greater closeness and intimacy in your relationships. Real friendship is so important in your partnerships this year! You continue to pay more attention to your health habits and investigate areas where you can make improvements.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24–Nov. 21)

Personal finances, savings, and retirement are all significant as the month begins. You are certainly exploring ways to increase your income and make better investments. You are starting to add more order and boundaries to your day-to-day life, wanting to make the best use of your time. There are some big changes coming to your family. This could involve an elderly relative passing on, parents retiring, or dealing with the loss of a close friend. Your role in the family is changing, and you can free yourself from the chains of the past. If you have children, they are acting more mature and your role in their lives is shifting. Relationships should continue to be positive through the spring.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov.22–Dec.21)

This has been an especially busy holiday year for you, and it continues to be busy. You are trying to return to your routines, but that may not happen until after mid-January. Finances are an important topic this month. This energy has been strong throughout the holidays. You may feel that you have to cut back or just be more careful with your spending. You are more outspoken and clear at the end of the month. You may be having a stronger presence on social media via writing or podcasting. You are taking on more family responsibilities, and you may be taking on the role of the family matriarch/patriarch. Work is busy, or perhaps even very busy. That will continue and only get stronger through February.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22–Jan. 19)

You are off to a slow start in the New Year. You are still enjoying having time to yourself and avoiding your normal responsibilities. All of that shifts around the second week in January. You are feeling re-energized and ready to take on new projects. You are more focused on yourself this month, and you are taking life much more personally. You are not going to be very patient, and you will need a healthy outlet to let off some steam. This is a great opportunity to channel that energy into exercise and better living. In relationships, you will want more contact with your partner. If you are single, you are more confident about putting yourself out there. Finances require your focus at the end of the month.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18)

As the month begins, you are in a more social mood that carried over from the holidays, and you are taking some time for yourself. You are more psychically sensitive to your environment and will need better boundaries all around. You pay a lot more attention to your finances, possibly putting yourself on a budget. You continue to make your home a safer and more comfortable place. You may be doing some remodeling or downsizing to create more space and freedom. On a personal level, you are already beginning to look for new directions or interests. This phase will be active for several years, and will help you redefine who you are.

PISCES (Feb. 19–Mar. 20)

Future concerns will drive your actions this whole year. You are improving boundaries, letting go of responsibilities that no longer suit you, and making yourself the important person in your narrative. Career continues to be a strong theme this month. You have been reviewing where you have been, and will make decisions about this after the 8th. Friends come back into your life later in the month. This can be a time to connect to your tribe that supports you and your interests. You may be wanting to pull back some at the very end of the month. You are more sensitized to your environment, and may not be able to ignore people and things as well.

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Lilly Roddy

Lilly Roddy has been an Astrologer for the last 25 years. She counsels individuals in personal, business and financial matters as well as teaches classes in Astrology. She is a regular contributor to OutSmart Magazine.
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