Houston PrideMeet the Marshals 2024Pride 2024

Pride Houston 365 Honorary Grand Marshal: C. Patrick McIlvain

McIlvain's ultimate life mission is to eradicate the stigma surrounding mental illness.

Pride Houston 365 Honorary Grand Marshal C. Patrick McIlvain

โ€œBeing selected as an Honorary Parade Grand Marshal is an acknowledgment by my peers of my life as a community advocate, volunteer, and organizer. For me, it means that I have been heard and felt by many people. it grants me a more visible public platform this year to talk about mental illnessโ€”a conversation that is long overdue.โ€ โ€” C. Patrick McIlvain

Known For:
Being a longtime community volunteer and advocate, a founding member of Montrose Sports Association, a longtime volunteer for Pride Houston 365, a member of the original โ€œTeam [Annise] Parker,โ€ and the founding director of The Walk for Mental Health Awareness (also known as The Walk Houston).

McIlvain adds to our community conversation by living with the challenges of having a mental illness diagnosis. He shares his personal experiences, including the discrimination that he has endured from many in the heterosexual community for being a gay male. The discrimination for being honest and open about his mental illness includes discrimination even from within his LGBTQ community. But he keeps walking forward, one step at a time. It is positive, forward progress.

Favorite Cause:
McIlvainโ€™s most important cause is talkingโ€”out in the bright sunlight of the dayโ€”about living with a mental illness. He feels that we all must do what we can to let people know that it is a very good thing to talk about mental illness, and how it does not define them. The Walk Houston, now known as โ€Our Journey to Mental Health,โ€ will be hosting a public social event every October 10, which is celebrated as World Mental Health Day.

Dream to Change the World:
To dramatically reduce the personal and social stigma that is still so yoked to those who talk about mental illness. McIlvain believes that just saying โ€œmental healthโ€ is sugarcoating the real truth. But every time someone says the words โ€œmental illnessโ€ in public, we take a chip out of the stigma that has been with us for over 5,000 years.

Ultimate Life Mission:
To totally eradicate all of the stigma that is still attached to having and living with a mental illness.

Favorite Hashtags:
#PositivePublicDialogue; #EndTheIndifference; #TakingMyDignityBack

What: The 46th Annual Official Houston LGBT+ Pride Celebration: Festival & Parade
When: Saturday, June 29 (Parade is 7:30โ€“10:00 p.m.)
Where: Houston City Hall, 901 Bagby Street
Info: pridehouston365.org

Brandon Wolf

Brandon Wolf is a regular contributor to OutSmart Magazine.
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