2025 Astrocast Overview
A year of retrogrades and eclipses, and what it means for all the signs.

We start the year with lots of retrogrades. Instead of moving forward like we normally do, we will be taking care of people, things, and events from our past. We will be in retrograde from November 2024 until near the end of April 2025. We may not be able to start our New Year’s Resolutions until April!
With Mars retrograde active in Cancer from January 6 through April 17, this can indicate some anger boiling over, potential violence, more national conflicts, and the country becoming a larger target for our enemies. We should all stay extra-alert during these times.
Eclipses this year are March 14 (Lunar) and March 29 (Solar), September 7 (Lunar), and September 21 (Solar). The eclipses are impacting Aries/Libra and Virgo/Pisces. Eclipses are always openings for new adventures and changes in your life.
This year we have several outer planets—Pluto, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus, and Jupiter—changing signs. Whenever outer planets change signs, there is always a shift in human consciousness. With so many changing in 2024, this can be a demanding time for all of us. It will be important to have plans A, B, C, and some flexibility! This will, of course, impact all the signs.
The latter part of the year calms down some, though we will see some divisiveness reemerge in the winter.
New tech for communications, enhanced privacy, and getting off the grid will all be part of 2025.
(Mar. 21–Apr. 19)
This is a very introspective year for you Rams. Two different waves of energy will be impacting you. The first is a deeper dive into your spirituality: why you are here and your larger purpose in life.
You may want to pull back, and you will need more quiet time to yourself for reflecting. You may discover that what you thought about people around you isn’t accurate, and you may have to change some of your relationships. The other energy is more about your career and long-term choices. You will be setting better boundaries and won’t be as ready to jump in and help everyone. You will consider the cost of your relationships and how well they support you. This will impact your career direction. You may do something on your own, take on a leadership role, or consider cutting back.
You are being more open and direct in your communications. You may feel you are speeding up, as you have less patience with mundane activity. You may also want to reconnect with friends from your youth and have greater interaction with your family. This can also stimulate you to upgrade your phone and social-media connections.
Home and family become bigger topics after midyear. You may be moving, building a new home, looking for a vacation place, or even increasing the size of your family. This is also a better time to improve situations that have kept you away from your family. This will be an important time to pay attention to your boundaries, as you will be asked to do a lot!
There are changes in your friendships and social groups this year. Some are moving away, and others have distanced themselves from you. Your tolerance for aberrant behavior is very low. If you are in an organization, you will be reviewing whether you want to continue your membership.
(Apr. 20–May 20)
This year begins with a shift in your views about your career. Although you have been reinventing yourself and looking for a new approach that really fits more into your passion, this energy will feel different, as you may no longer feel the need to pursue a particular path. Your industry is going through a shift, and you are rethinking your long-term plans. This could mean relocating, starting something on your own, cutting back, and potentially having to deal with some family shifts. Your focus may change, and that will generate a whole new set of options. This energy impacts those of you born in the early days of Taurus. This will impact the rest of you over the course of the next couple of years.
You are taking a whole new look at resources, income, investments, and debt. One clear message is that you do not want to be held hostage by debt. This can stimulate your interest in alternative investments, retooling your own skills, or investing in high-tech firms. You want people to be real and direct with you, as you have little patience for people wasting your time.
This year you are also taking more time to look into the bigger questions of life: Why are we here? Isn’t there a larger purpose for us, or are we just cogs in a machine? This is part of the energy that is at the core of why you are reexamining your career and retirement choices. You want and need more time for yourself. You are looking for something that really works for you and isn’t just words on a page!
(May 21–June 21)
This is a year of adventure and change, particularly for those of you born in the earliest days of the sign. You are looking for more space to be yourself. Restrictions and limitations can push you away from people or job opportunities. This can have an impact on all your relationships, even as you have access to new partnerships. This energy is compatible with investigating business partnerships.
Career continues to be important this year. You are looking for ways to improve your position and status. You could take on a leadership role, start something on your own, or if you are older, you may be cutting back. In the fall, you will be applying this boundary to your friendships and business associations. If you aren’t happy, you will look elsewhere!
Relationships can be quite tricky this year. You have several energies impacting you, all of them pulling in different directions. One part of you is not interested in relationships, wanting more space and options; another wants a relationship that is fun and uplifting. Yet another wants some clear agreement about future goals with your partner. You may be clearing the way for a partnership in which you have more in common. Or maybe your current partnership just needs an update!
After June, you are in a better position for investments and salary negotiations, with some potential for purchasing big-ticket items. You may also want to improve your work skills through classes, or you may go back to school to pursue interests that you abandoned years ago when you first got started. You are seeing the world in a larger perspective, and that helps you find your place!
(June 22–July 22)
Career directions are at the top of the menu this year. Several different energies are impacting you. For many of you, a sense of spiritual purpose becomes important. You may question what you are doing or shift your direction within your current career. You may feel called to devote your time and skills to an endeavor that strives to make the world a better place, and if your current position doesn’t accommodate that yearning, you will be looking elsewhere. You are also ready to undertake a leadership position to help others who have similar ideals. This can feel like a rebirth in your career sector.
In June, your mood and enthusiasm improves. There are more opportunities for you in all areas of your life. If you are single, this is a much better time to meet someone new. If you are involved, this energy adds more fun to your relationship. If you are having some problems, this energy helps to find a more amicable resolution. You may want to travel, take or teach classes, expand your social-media presence, and generally promote your services. If you are a stay-at-home parent, you are taking on more responsibility with the children and your neighborhood!
You are looking for better and safer ways to improve your health and your overall living conditions. You may be interested in generating your own power, learning to live off the land, or disconnecting from the surveillance.
And last but not least is your long-term project to get rid of debt. This can be a better time for refinancing and making your life more manageable.
(July 23–Aug. 22)
This year represents a time of review, cleaning up and out, facing realities about yourself, and challenging your traditional views about relationships. You will want to rid yourself of your negative relationship patterns that draw in the same energy, no matter the partner. This can show up as your partner taking a new path or exploring a new career. Older relationships may need some major repairs, or they might not make it.
You are looking to expand your social environment this year. You are particularly interested in forming friendships with those who share your core values. You will be drawn to more unique people who reflect your growing interest in activities outside your normal choices. You may also reject some older friends, and you expand your consciousness about society and the role groups play through social networking and shared dreams. You will also be taking a better approach to eating and staying healthy.
Some of you will want to complement your education by upgrading your skills or even going back to school for another degree. This can also be a very good time to work for an international company or a company that has a global customer base. You may travel some this year, but most of it will have a purpose. This could be a great time to enroll in a university in Europe.
You take a deeper dive into your spirituality this year, as well. You will be drawn to ideals different from your own upbringing, particularly Eastern ideals.
This is the year you are clearing out the toxins in your life!
(Aug. 23-Sept.22)
You are looking for new interests and direction with your career this year. You may be feeling bored or trapped or just done, no matter your level of success. Some of you will want to start your own business, while others will want freedom from the routines and demands of daily existence. You may also want to relocate and find a place that has less noise and people. Some of you will want to take a more active role in government or politics in order to promote the ideals of freedom and diversity in our country.
This can also impact your partnerships, both business and personal. If they are too demanding or not flexible enough, you may be operating solo. Overall, in your relationship sector you have been going through a time of review and potential renewal. This represents a time when you have reached the goals set in your relationship, and you need something new to enhance your connections with your partner.
Improving your financial environment will also be a big goal this year. You are looking to have more freedom from the financial demands of living. This can be a better time to consolidate your debt and set the goal of paying it off. You may be looking for better places to invest, and better people to handle your money. You are in a more conservative time and will want less risk and a higher chance for success before you are convinced to change. Virgos tend to be more health-conscious than the other signs, and this year you will up your expectations about improving that part of your life. This is the time to get healthy!
(Sept. 23–Oct. 23)
Libra is known for relationships, harmony, and balance. And often, Libras adapt to everyone else’s needs and forget about themselves. This year you will be reviewing how you function in relationships. You will be decidedly more self-oriented. This may feel odd initially, but you will eventually enjoy setting better boundaries for yourself. You will be saying “No!” more often.
In your relationships, you will be reviewing and setting new goals for the continuation of your partnerships. You will also want your partner to participate more in social activities and take the lead in improving the relationship. Difficult partnerships may not make the cut, especially if you both aren’t pulling in the same direction. You are also looking for a deeper spiritual connection with your partner. On the flip side of this energy, some of you may think it’s too costly to be in a relationship and you’d rather enjoy your solitude and not have to change for anyone! This will impact all of your people connections, and they may find that you are not as easy to get along with as before. And they are right!
Career opportunities open up after June. This would be a great time to explore a new path, do something on your own, connect with an international company, or retire and move to the mountains. This same energy may also have you thinking about relocating closer to your work. This is a time of awakening for your inner child. You will want to do things that are more creative and fun! You may also turn your hobbies into something that makes money. You are open to new ideas in this area of your life.
Oct. 24–Nov. 21)
This year will see impacts on your family, where you live, and letting go of old ghosts. On the surface, this can show up as remodeling, downsizing your current home, or even moving. You may be doing this for security, better opportunities, and/or leaving a dead industry.
With family, this represents a change in the family hierarchy. This will tend to impact the older people in your family. Some may move on, some may retire, others may step back for some time to comprehend what is going on and what options are out there. You will have some choices to make about where you want to position yourself in the family. All the roles are open.
This same energy can impact your career, as you will have a much lower tolerance for people and things you used to be able to ignore. You may be doing therapy and facing fears that have held you back. Your industry is changing, and you are looking at alternatives. This can also push you to do something more on your own.
Financial freedom becomes much more important this year. You are going to take an active role in reducing debt, making better investments, and/or not participating in the “buying consciousness” of most consumers.
Work and health become more important as we move into spring. You will be rearranging your workspace this year. If you have a home office, it will need to be updated. And you will want a calmer and saner place to work. You are also exploring natural alternatives to better health. This can be an improved diet and eliminating the things that aren’t good for you.
You are looking for more freedom and more fun this year! Old routines and expectations that have been holding you back will be letting go in the spring. With your work, you are looking for something that is interesting and satisfies your curiosity. You could be updating your office and social-media connections.
Partnerships need some new energy this year. This can be a great year to renew those bonds. If you are single, you are more open to a partnership that gives you options for personal expression. Relationships that don’t adapt may not survive. This is a time of mental stimulation. You may go back to school or take classes for things that interest you.
This year you are working on getting your message out and being clear about how you feel. You are not mincing words and are not as willing to adapt to make others happy. This can be a great time for writing, expanding your social-media presence, and updating your equipment and devices. You may also be looking at a new car or finding alternative transportation.
You will want to make your creative endeavors and hobbies into something more substantial this year. This activity will get a lot stronger at the end of spring. You will be drawn to art and activities that have a spiritual purpose attached to them.
Finances should be better this year. You will be able to refinance and/or get rid of debt this year. This can be a very good time to invest in alternative energy sources, foreign currencies, and home building. This is going to be a busy year, so pace yourself!
(Dec. 22–Jan. 19)
Your home, family, and base of security is being activated this year. There could be shifts with the older folk, as they may be retiring or stepping back some from participation in family activities.
This can be a time when family issues come to a head and real
compromises may have to be made. You may want to remodel or even move to someplace more reasonable. And your home will be more of a retreat than it has ever been. For some, you may want to move away from urban areas and find some peace and quiet. You will be more interested in traditional methods of healing through good food and avoiding products that shorten your life.
This will also impact your career, as it may change or complete a lot of your original goals. There are some things that you may have done before and you won’t do them again. You may want to find a better home/work balance so that you can enjoy more of your life.
You take a more innovative approach to your health and your work area. You may be upgrading your devices and streamlining how you work and live. You are open to new ideas, but they have to be practical and easy to use.
Relationships improve overall in June. If you are involved, this is a great year to renew those bonds. If you are single, this year is better for finding people who are interested in partnerships. This applies to business as well.
You are expanding your outreach this year. This can show up as working with international business, podcasting, going back to school, or even doing some traveling. You are more than ready to get your year started.
(Jan. 20–Feb. 18)
Pluto, the cosmic enema, planet of change and transformation, has entered your sign and will be here for the next 20 years. Initially, Pluto will have the strongest impact on those with early birthdays in the fixed signs of Taurus, Leo, Aquarius, and Scorpio. This year, those of you born in the first five days of your sign are being impacted initially. This is a huge time of rethinking your choices about your life. Some things you have done for years will no longer interest you. Your motives and drives will change, and those will impact your career, your friends, your relationships, and how you feel about yourself on the planet. The rest of you will still feel some of this, even before Pluto officially enters its sphere of influence.
You are paying more attention to your boundaries this year and looking for more peace and quiet in your immediate environment. You may begin to include some rituals such as yoga, meditation, spiritual pursuits, or connecting to sound waves. This can also be a time when you are connecting with siblings or old friends from your past. You will be clearing up any problems that weren’t resolved.
You are also moving into a more creative time when you may focus on hobbies that could provide financial support. You embrace and take better care of your inner child.
If you can, embracing these upcoming changes and taking the lead on these shifts can restore your sense of personal power and reignite your passions. Pluto is ready to clear out the old, the unusable, the past negative emotions, and bring in supportive and positive people into your life.
(Feb. 19–Mar. 20)
For you, the first half of this year is a time of decision-making, setting goals, reinforcing boundaries, and being able to tell people “No!” Pisces folk have been going through a long period of personal searching. This could have been a spiritual search, or just a search for the meaning of life. You are now in a time when you are going to be making decisions based on what you have been through for the last several years.
Career is a big topic this year. You are making decisions about what you want to do. If you are older, you may be cutting back. If you are younger, you may want to start something on your own or take more of a leadership role where you are. During the first half of the year, you have the need to validate who you are. Choose your judges carefully.
Finances are also a big topic this year, especially in the latter half of the year. You may be more concerned about your finances and resources. You may be cutting back, getting rid of unwanted services, and paying more attention to your investments. This may also be the time when you seek a raise or increase your fees. You are much more selective about where you spend your funds!
Home and family energies are shifting this year. You will want more space, windows, light colors, and less demands on your personal time. If you have older relatives, they could be retiring or even passing on. You may also feel like moving or making the time you spend at home less challenging. Things may happen quickly here, but you don’t have to make snap decisions. Take your time.
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