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Harnessing the Intensity

Scorpio’s emotional alertness sets the tone for a month of cosmic surges.

Adrian Hernandez

November is an active month with a lot of positive energy in the first weeks. The Sun begins the month in Scorpio, and we are emotionally alert and ready to respond to our intuition. At this time of year, energies begin to build as we near the New Year. The New Moon on the 13th energizes us to make better use of the resources around us. We are looking at trust in relationships, as well. The Full Moon on the 27th opens us up to new people and new situations to explore and enjoy. The Thanksgiving holidays may not be as cheery as we would like. Keep your expectations very realistic.

The Sun enters Sagittarius on the 22nd. Mercury also starts the month in Scorpio but soon enters Sagittarius on the 10th. Mars continues through Scorpio and also enters Sagittarius on the 24th. Jupiter remains in Taurus, Saturn in Pisces, Uranus in Taurus, Neptune in Pisces, and Pluto in Scorpio.

Good days this month are November 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 15, 17, 18, 20, and 21. Difficult days are November 10, 11, 13, 16, 23–27, and 30.

ARIES (Mar. 21–Apr. 19)
You are interested in deeper levels of commitment and connection in your relationships. You may be looking for signs of reassurance that your feelings are justified. You are also more suspicious of people’s actions. Your impulse buying is also stronger this month. Toward the end of the month, your attitude seems to lighten. You are really getting into the holiday spirit, wanting to have more fun and take a break from your usual schedule. This is a good time for international business, travel, and marketing yourself via social media. You may want a smaller gathering for the holidays so there is less to deal with.

TAURUS (Apr. 20–May 20)
Relationships are still the big topic as the month begins. The October 28th Eclipse triggered a desire to take your relationship to the next level and resolve issues so you can move forward. Bonding on a mental, physical, and emotional level adds layers of trust and conviction. However, if your partnership is not doing well, these same energies can upend it by rooting out the truth. Your career shifts and reevaluations continue, only getting stronger as we get closer to the New Year. The changes going on at work have to do with shifts in management power, and you may choose to look for greener pastures. You are looking for something different and fun for Thanksgiving.

GEMINI (May 21–June 21)
This month you are paying attention to routines and details. People at work may be grumpier than usual, and you could easily get caught up in that. You will also be paying more attention to your health, exercise routines, and eating habits. Career energies are very strong this month and will continue to get stronger through the New Year. You are looking to take on more responsibility and work your way up the ladder. You may want to do something on your own. This is a great month to get that started, as spring brings a lot of opportunity. In the latter part of the month, your attention shifts to relationships. This will be your time to strengthen bonds in all your partnerships.

CANCER (June 22–July 22)
You Moon Kids are in a creative and playful time as the month begins. This is a great month to engage in your hobbies or even take them to the next level. If you have children, you will want to spend more time with them, as they help remind you what having fun really means! You also want to connect and renew your social groups and your friends. They can really bring some light, hope, and support into your life. In the latter part of the month, you are more aware of your routines or lack of them. You will be more stimulated to pay attention to your health regimen. Your coworkers can seem crankier than usual, so be cautious about being drawn into their drama. You may be minimizing your holidays this year. You are beginning to question your career direction, and that gets stronger through 2024.

LEO (July 23–Aug. 22)
Home and family are being highlighted this month. You want to spend more time at home or in places you feel more comfortable. This can also be a time for relocating, doing some remodeling, and shifts in family power dynamics. Some of this was triggered by the October 28 Eclipse. This same energy has been impacting your career over the last year, and now the universe turns up the intensity. You are looking for a career that allows more creative expression, and not a helicopter boss. For some, this can also be a time of enjoying a better balance between work and home life. At the end of the month, you are ready for fun and relaxation.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept.22)
You are more clear and direct in your communications this month. You are also getting your life more organized. This is a great time to improve your health and eating habits, as you are ready for a change. You have been paying more attention to your boundaries, and others may see this as you being less flexible and more irritable. You are looking at setting new long-term goals for your partnership. In the latter part of the month, home and family take the spotlight. You may be undecided about what you are going to do for the holidays, but family tradition may not seem as appealing to you as it once was. The latter part of the month is good for making your nest more comfortable..

LIBRA (Sept. 23–Oct. 23)
Relationships continue to be very important as the month begins. This month, you are looking for emotional trust and your partner being more open about their intentions. Your physical needs may be stronger, and you won’t be waiting for your partner to take the lead. This area remains active, as the Eclipse cycle is active in Libra/Aries through the end of the year. Value and self-worth are also very important this month. You may be seeking a raise or looking elsewhere for work. In the latter part of the month, you are more direct in your communications, and you need to watch to make sure you don’t overload your schedule. You are looking to keep your holidays simple. Home life is slowly getting more stable.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24–Nov. 21)
Happy birthday to you! This is your personal annual cycle of evaluating the past year and setting new objectives for the coming year. You are more direct and real, and moving faster than usual. Although you don’t give up on things easily, this month your temper is really tested. Personal relationships can be edgy and need some TLC. You want to know that your partner really cares. This is a good time to meet someone new or to take your partnership to the next level. This is also a good time for business partnerships. It will be easy to see if you are both on the same page. There continues to be big shifts in your family. You may be considering moving or doing some personal downsizing. The holidays should flow along for you fairly easily, but you are wanting to keep things more simple. In the latter part of the month, you are interested in investments and increasing your income.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov.22–Dec.21)
You are in more of a rest and retreat mode as the month begins. This is a much better time for paying attention to your health and how your work contributes to your sense of inner security. You may be updating your office systems and working more from home. You are also interested in your spiritual development in the first half of the month. In the latter part of the month, you leave your spiritual retreat and come back to the village. There is plenty of activity—you are doing some personal downsizing and making better use of your time. You have little patience for people who are childish or can’t figure out a way to solve their problems. The holidays are important for you this month because they represent a shift from the past to the present. Traditions will be important for you.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22–Jan. 19)
Your public life, work life, and social life are all very active this month. This started at the October 28 Eclipse. In your career, you are looking for something that is engaging and not just task-oriented. What matters for you is the relationships with your clients. With the Eclipse cycle occurring in your home and work life this year, you are rethinking your life in both these areas. This is a good time to get involved in community activities and to take on a leadership role. You have a lot of chutzpa and don’t mind saying what you think. As we move into the latter part of the month, you are ready for a break. This is how you normally respond to the Thanksgiving holiday. Make sure you have a clear exit plan, and only stay as long as you want!

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18)
Life is changing for you Aquarians as Pluto, the planet of transformation and release, travels through Aquarius for the next 21 years. For now, she is impacting the people born in the earliest days of the sign. These folks are looking at a total overhaul of their lives, relationships, career, children, and personal goals and expressions. For the rest of you Aquarians, Pluto will eventually make her way to you! This month, career and long-term security is important for all Aquarians. You want to take a leadership role, start your own business or, if you are older, look toward doing something you enjoy instead of being good at rolling the rock uphill every day. There can also be huge shifts with your family. You want to keep your holiday simple this year. You are not willing to be around people you don’t care for. Start clearing out the closets and storerooms. You will need the freedom!

PISCES (Feb. 19–Mar. 20)
Saturn—planet of structure, career, personal discipline, and aging—is moving through your sign for the next couple of years. This will motivate you to rethink your career path or your personal goals. You are not as open and flexible as you have been. In the latter part of the month, your career energies are very active. You will want to take the lead, or you may be searching for something that really fits you. You are also reviewing relationships and setting new goals and plans. You want your partner to participate more as you look for a greater sense of trust and commonalities. The holidays will be low-key for you. You will be very selective about the people you spend your time with. This will extend past the holidays and well into next year.

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Lilly Roddy

Lilly Roddy has been an Astrologer for the last 25 years. She counsels individuals in personal, business and financial matters as well as teaches classes in Astrology. She is a regular contributor to OutSmart Magazine.
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