Balance, Tension, and New Beginnings
Initiate new partnerships in Libra and prepare for challenges ahead.
October is a busy time with the solar eclipse in Libra on the 2nd. This is a time of initiating new partnerships, improving the ones you have, and being clearer about what you want in relationships. You question the idea of fairness, harmony, and balance.
There will be a long series of retrogrades starting at the end of November. It’s important to start your projects now so the retrogrades won’t impact you as much.
Mars, planet of self-defense, war-like activity, and anger, is in the sign of Cancer. With our nation birthed under the sign of Cancer, we may feel more threatened by other countries, and there can be more local violence. Mars is having a strong impact on the cardinal signs of Aries, Libra, Cancer, and Capricorn. Be careful out there!
Days of harmony this month are the 8th, 15th, 17th, 24th, and the 31st. Days with some tension are the 4th, 6th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th, 19th, 20th, 22nd, 27th, and the 30th.
ARIES (Mar. 21–Apr. 19)
Relationships are playing a big role in your life this month. You will be more aware of those who need some support, those who give you support, and those that are too costly. Family demands are much stronger this month. This can be a good time for some remodeling, family reunions, or addressing issues that others are ignoring. Your patience with all of these issues is very short! In the latter part of the month, you are paying more attention to your finances and investments. Trust and intimacy in partnerships become more important in the latter part of the month, as well. You also are needing time for yourself and reflection about your current career path. Putting yourself first makes you less resentful when you compromise to help others!
TAURUS (Apr. 20–May 20)
Career and long-term decisions become more important as the month progresses. For some, this can be a time of starting your own path, changing your current direction, or potentially cutting back on the time you commit to this part of your life. As the month begins, you are working on habits and routines associated with your health and your work patterns. You want a more peaceful environment, and you are more likely to be clear and direct in your opinions. This will be very strong at the end of the month. In the latter part of the month, partnerships become more important. This is a good time to renew those bonds, and if you are single, this is a very good time to meet some new folks. The latter part of the month is also good for travel or just stepping away from your responsibilities.
GEMINI (May 21–June 21)
You continue to be busy while you are trying to set goals and personal boundaries in all areas of your life. With your career, this can be a time to step up and take on a leadership role. You will want more options and choices, rather than following a particular path. This can feel like a push-me-pull-you! Money is easier to spend this month as you are satisfying your desires. Relationships, both business and personal, become more important toward the middle of the month. This can be a great time to get away with your partner for some rest and retreat. If you are single, this is a very good time to meet new people. We are more playful in the first half of the month, and we are paying more attention to our responsibilities in the latter half.
CANCER (June 22–July 22)
It’s a busy and active time for the Moon Kids! You are ready to take care of business, start something new and fun, and push forward with your ideas and dreams. This continues to be a good time to improve exercise and diet routines. You may also have a harder time sleeping, and exercise can really help there. You are definitely not as patient with just about everything in your life. You are seeking more peace and relaxation at home, as that is your escape. The solar eclipse on the 2nd really brings this idea home. There could be changes in the family power structure as your relatives get older. In the latter part of the month, you are more creative and may spend more time with your children.
LEO (July 23–Aug. 22)
Your theme this month is communications. You are not only listening, but also making sure that you are heard. Although you may try hard to be patient, you will take life a lot more personally. You are more sensitive to your environment and may need more time to yourself, or at least move farther away from the noise. In the second half of the month, home and family issues become your main driver. You will want to make your home more comfortable, possibly do some remodeling, or even moving. You continue to work on improving your investments and getting rid of debt. This is also a very good month to expand your social connections. This may help you both professionally and with new friendships. You are careful about how much time you invest here, as you expect some return on your investment. The end of the month can be quite tense. Avoid making pressured decisions!
VIRGO (Aug. 23–Sept.22)
You are experiencing a sense of expansion, particularly with career and your limits. You need to set better boundaries so that you don’t take on too much! Finances are a big focus this month, as you work hard to maintain a balance between your home and work life. With your career, you are looking to expand, change, or choose another direction. This can be a very good time to change jobs, particularly if you are feeling stuck or unappreciated. With partnerships, this is a time to set new boundaries, recommit, set new goals, or find a final solution to a difficult partnership. This is very strong at the end of the month! In the latter part of the month, you are speaking your mind and will need some space and freedom.
LIBRA (Sept. 23–Oct. 23)
This month is your personal yearly cycle when you consider the past year and set new goals for the next year. This is the best time of the year to focus more on yourself. Normally, you are the one making connections and making sure others are comfortable. This month, the focus is you! Career activity is very busy. This can be a time when you are looking for a promotion, a new position, starting something on your own, or finding a better way to use your time. Your family, and your views about family issues, have been changing. There continue to be major changes and shifts in the family hierarchy. In the latter part of the month, you are more interested in finances, your sense of self-worth, and how to make sure your financial future more stable by asking for a raise or increasing your fees.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24–Nov. 21)
As the month begins, you are in a rest-and-retreat mode, as you need more personal space and self-care. You are also more interested in your spiritual destiny and what your role is. This is a much better month to take some mental-health days. You are wanting to indulge in some creative activity and hobbies that you are considering taking to the next level. This is a good month to take a few short trips to increase the time you set aside for yourself. In the latter part of the month, you are feeling more energized. Partnerships improve because of enhanced communications. This part of the month is very good for making sure that you are both on the same page. The end of the month has you starting a brand-new project that should be related to your career.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov.22–Dec.21)
The beginning of the month is a socially interactive time that is good for career team-building with business organizations and others. You are feeling somewhat restless, and you don’t mind taking the lead here. You are continuing to do some long-term planning around your career, giving thought to when you might cut back or possibly retire. There also could be major shifts with your family that make you rethink your long-term plans. Older relatives seem more vulnerable and may need your help! Toward the end of the month, you are more sensitive to your environment and will need more personal time. You will be pondering the big life questions about why we are here and what our real purpose is. The end of the month can be quite tense. Take your time in all pursuits.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22–Jan. 19)
You are quite busy this month trying to divide your time between yourself, your work, and your partnerships. Everybody wants and needs your attention. This is a good month to start a new project at work or to take on a new challenge. Your work or business could be expanding and demanding more of your time and commitment. On the 2nd, the solar eclipse will be activating your career sector as well. This may open some doors and offer new opportunities. Personal relationships really need some of your time and attention. You may need a weekend getaway with your partner. If not, your partner may be more sensitive and angrier. In the latter part of the month, you are ready to connect with friends and have a little more fun in your life.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18)
You have a lot of activity in your horoscope this month. As the month starts, you are ready for a vacation and a time to stretch your mind. You may be more interested in expanding your education or seeing far-away places! You are trying to create more freedom in your life by releasing old beliefs and expectations. There could be shifts with your family and a change in the hierarchy. You are reviewing your sense of self-worth and are not allowing others to take advantage of you. You are setting some boundaries there. In the latter part of the month, your long-term goals and career energies are more active. This is a better time to take a leadership role at work or seek a new position. Relationships will need more attention at the end of the month!
PISCES (Feb. 19–Mar. 20)
You continue to review your life choices, career path, relationship, and family responsibilities to determine where your responsibilities lie and where they don’t. This will determine what you will focus on next year. In relationships, you are looking for more shared goals and to have a deeper sense of trust. With finances, you are looking to release yourself from debt so you don’t feel as burdened. You may also be looking to move to a more relaxed place that fits your temperament. In the latter part of the month, you may want to take a road trip to get away from your routines. You are trying to balance your need to grow and your need to be reasonable. The end of the month can be very tense. Take your time in all decisions.
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