Submit a Calendar Listing

OutSmart takes pride in being the one-stop source for all things happening in Houston’s LGBT community.

To be considered for the print calendar, all events must be submitted by the 10th of the month prior to the publication month. Example: If your event date is April 28, submission deadline is March 10. For possible inclusion in the online calendar, please submit at least two weeks in advance of the event’s date. Please limit all event descriptions to 300 words or less.

Is your event still months away? Send us the information anyway! The sooner we receive your submission, the sooner we can review it for publication.

Each submission is subject to review by OutSmart’s editors and we cannot guarantee online or in-print publication. Please know we do our best to choose events of interest to our readership and we welcome the community’s submissions.

Questions? Call 713/520-7237 ext. 10

Submit a calendar listing: click here

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