(This event was rescheduled from March to September 14, 2019.) FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Terry St. John, cell—713-201-2574, terrystjohn@att.net Michelle Barnes, 713-523-1616, mbarnes@thecollective.org Mayor Sylvester Turner named honorary chair of "FestEve! A Night for the Arts" September event at Glasscock School of Continuing Studies honors outstanding arts contributors HOUSTON (August 6, 2019)—Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner will serve as the honorary chair of the Community Artists’ Collective’s “FestEve! A Night for the Arts” Saturday, September 14, at the Glasscock School of Continuing Studies, Rice University. Serving as co-chairs are Ashley Turner, Houston’s First Daughter, and Bill Baldwin, city planning advocate dubbed “King of the Heights.” The Community Artists’ Collective will honor three outstanding members of the arts community. Winell Herron, H-E-B Group Vice President of Public Affairs, Diversity and Environmental Affairs, and Lester Marks, Houston’s Arts Czar, have been named Patrons of the Year, and Ann “Sole Sister” Johnson has been designated as Artist-in-Action for the Year. The evening, which begins at 6:30 p.m., will feature local works of art, performing artists, a silent auction, hors d’oeuvres and cocktails. Houston Police Chief Art Acevedo will conduct the live auction. The Community Artists’ Collective is a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization providing varied, high-quality programming, including exhibitions, historical preservation, tourism and education for children and adults within the greater Houston area. Individual tickets begin at $150.00. Contact The Collective at 713-523-1616 or visit www.thecollective.org. # # # The Community Artists’ Collective programs are supported in part by grants from the City of Houston through the Houston Arts Alliance, the Texas Commission on the Arts, H-E-B and through collaborations with community organizations. The Collective’s mission is to provide the educational and cultural link among African American artists and all communities, inspiring unlimited creativity.